
  • Stress Incontinence

    What is Stress Incontinence?

    Stress incontinence is a form of urinary incontinence, where there is uncontrollable leakage of urine during physical exertion.
    Activities that put more pressure inside the abdomen and push down on the bladder can include:

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  • Botox Treatment for Overactive Bladder

    Overactive Bladder

    Overactive bladder is a condition where your bladder contracts before it is full or when one is not ready. This could mean not being able to hold on until you get to the toilet and at times you may leak urine on the way.

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  • Urinary Incontinence

    A Common Problem That Nobody Wants To Talk About

    Problem Affecting One in
    Three Women

    There are 4.2 million Australians living with urinary incontinence, or about 1 in 3 women according to a 2010 report.

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  • Pelvic Organ Prolapse Symptoms

    Your pelvic organs such as your uterus, bladder and rectum are held in place by the fascia and ligament tissues as well as your pelvic floor muscles.

    In combination they support your organs in place within your pelvis and also join them to the bony side walls of the pelvis.

    Over time or as a result of trauma these tissues can tear or stretch, or the muscles may weaken.

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  • Urge Incontinence Caused by Bladder Infection

    What is Urge Incontinence?

    If you occasionally suffer urges to urinate, and possibly incontinence it can be caused by a Bladder Infection

    What is a Bladder Infection?

    Lower urinary tract infections can cause Bladder (cystitis, or bladder infection) irritates the lining of the urethra and bladder becomes inflamed.

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  • Conservative Prolapse Management - Pessary

    What is a Pelvic Prolapse?

    Pelvic organ prolapse is a common condition, particularly affecting older women. Prolapse literally means ‘to fall’ and it occurs when the structures designed to keep organs in place weaken or stretch, so that one or more pelvic organs

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  • Conservative Treatment for Prolapse - Physiotherapy

    What is a Pelvic Prolapse?

    Pelvic organ prolapse is a common condition, particularly affecting older women. Prolapse literally means ‘to fall’ and it occurs when the structures designed to keep organs in place weaken or stretch, so that one or more pelvic organs (the uterus, bladder, bowel or rectum)

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  • Polycystic Ovaries vs Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

    What is the Difference?

    A common confusion among women, is understanding the difference between having polycystic ovaries (PCO) and having been diagnosed with a Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).

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  • Do I Really Need a Hysterectomy

    The decision to have a hysterectomy should never be taken lightly.

    Hysterectomies used to be the only option for the treatment of many diseases of the cervix. Now there are alternative treatments with fewer side effects and less harmful long-term consequences.

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  • Canberra Women’s Clinic

    Canberra Women’s Clinic
    Health is the overall condition of complete physical, psychological and social welfare and not just the absence of disease or illness.

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  • Irregular Bleeding

    Normal vaginal bleeding (menstruation) occurs every 28 to 35 days in every woman.

    Abnormal vaginal bleeding is any bleeding unrelated to normal menstruation.

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  • Women's Health Clinic

    Women's Health Clinic
    Dr Gailani can help patients to understand their treatment pathways and enable clearer patient decisions.

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  • IUD Contraceptive Doctor & Minera

    What is an IUD?
    An IUD or IUCD (intra-uterine contraceptive device) is a form of contraceptive and involves a device being placed inside the uterus (womb) to prevent pregnancy.

    An IUD is a small plastic device in the shape of a 'T' with plastic strings attached.

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  • A Woman’s Guide to Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)


    What is Your Urinary Tract?
    Your urinary system includes the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. This system helps to remove waste from your body.

    The kidney filters waste from your blood. Tubes called ureters carry these wastes or urine from your kidneys to your bladder, where it is stored until it exits the body through the urethra. All of these components can become infected, but most infections involve the lower tract.

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  • Effects of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) on Your Menstrual Cycle


    I’ve had irregular periods for a long time, now my doctor says it’s PCOS. What is it? What is PCOS? Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or PCOS is a common gynecological (endocrine) disorder affecting many women of childbearing age. In essence it is a hormonal problem. It works by suppressing egg maturity and causes excessive fluid build-up […]

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  • Is Pain Before Periods Normal?


    The female body constantly prepares for motherhood…there’s a lot going on in there The cycle of life Period, menses, the dreaded curse…call it what you will it’s here to stay for a very long time. For some this can be a delight as they plan for motherhood; for others it can lead to debilitating despair […]

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  • Top 10 reasons for period pains


    Many women suffer from pelvic pains around the time of menstruation, here’s 10 reasons why Dysmenorrhoea Dysmenorrhoea is the medical term for crampy pelvic pelvic pain that happens during your period. It can happen in the lead up to, throughout or even after your period. Uterine Contractions Your uterus contracts in order to expel the […]

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  • High Risk Patients


    What is menorrhagia or heavy periods? Menorrhagia This condition is associated with heavy or extended menstrual bleeding. Women suffering from menorrhagia experience severe blood loss, pain and cramping. These can restrict normal life.

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  • Treatment for Heavy Periods


    What is menorrhagia or heavy periods? Menorrhagia This condition is associated with heavy or extended menstrual bleeding. Women suffering from menorrhagia experience severe blood loss, pain and cramping. These can restrict normal life.

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  • About Endometrial Polyps


    Endometrial or Uterine polyps are an overgrowth of uterine cells. These form masses in the inner lining. They form from a flat base or protrude from on a stalk from the uterine wall. These polyps can range in size from millimeters to the size of a golf ball.

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