Pelvic Organ Prolapse Symptoms

Pelvic Organ Prolapse Symptoms

Pelvic Organ Prolapse Symptoms

Your pelvic organs such as your uterus, bladder and rectum are held in place by the fascia and ligament tissues as well as your pelvic floor muscles.

In combination they support your organs in place within your pelvis and also join them to the bony side walls of the pelvis.

Over time or as a result of trauma these tissues can tear or stretch, or the muscles may weaken. This can lead to your organs bulging or sagging down to the vagina.

This is then known as a Pelvic Organ Prolapse.

Cause of Pelvic Floor Prolapse

The main cause of a prolapse is childbirth. The birth of a child can cause stretching and tearing of the tissues and pelvic floor muscles as your child goes down the vagina.

Having several vaginal deliveries can also increase the likelihood of a prolapse.

Other causes may be

  • heavy lifting,
  • chronic coughing and
  • constipation

as these also press down on the pelvic organs and pelvic floor muscles.

Prolapse Symptoms

Common symptoms will depend on the type of prolapse and how much loss there is in pelvic support. Some common sensations can include:

  • a sense of something coming down the vagina,
  • pain or lack of sensation during sexual intercourse,
  • heavy sensations in vagina,
  • bladder may not be completely empty, or urine flow may be weak,
  • recurring urinary tract infections,
  • Difficulty in evacuating bowel, or
  • a lump bulging out of the vagina, either visible or felt.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you would be advised to seek advice from your GP for a referral and arrange a time to see Dr Gailani at