Laparoscopic Removal of Fibroid (Myomectomy)

Laparoscopic Removal of Fibroid (Myomectomy)

Clinical Background: a 34-year-old patient who is Para 1. The patient had a caesarean section 11 months ago. Following the caesarean, the patient had significant pain in her abdomen which warranted a laparoscopy. A fibroid was identified and not removed due to the risk of bleeding in the postpartum period.

Surgical Procedure: The patient underwent a laparoscopic myomectomy (keyhole surgery for removal of a large fibroid) with a division of adhesions. The mass was adherent to the intestine and to the lateral pelvic side wall.

Histology: Histology showed benign fibroids.

Recovery: The patient has recovered well and has reported improvement in her pain. 

  • Laparoscopic Removal of Fibroid (Myomectomy)
  • Laparoscopic Removal of Fibroid (Myomectomy)